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How to Conquer Laziness Fast With 7 Easy Steps

How to Conquer Laziness Fast With 7 Easy Steps

Are you looking for ways on how to conquer laziness?

Do you want to know the 7 easy ways to cut out laziness from your life today?

Well in this post, you will get it and then some so read on to know the secrets of how to stop being lazy and depressed once and for all!

Let’s get right into the madness here with the first easy way to get rid of laziness.

Cut the TV

How to Conquer Laziness Fast With 7 Easy Steps

That thing in front of your face every night is the number 1 obstacle between you and what you want in life.

When you waste your time in front of that thing, you are giving up precious hours that could be spent doing something productive with your life that could yield tremendous dividends in the future.

Let me ask you a question.

How many hours do you spend in front of the TV every night?

This answer might vary with you, but the average American spends about 3 hours in front of the screen every night. You can read that for yourself here.

That is, WOW!

That is a lot of time wasted!

But let this be a lesson for you.

What if you could get people to give you their time for what you produce instead of what they produce for you.

Think about that. It’ll come to you and you’ll stop your laziness pretty quickly.

But seriously, if you think that being on the TV as a consumer is going to solve all of your problems, think again.

It’ll make you even more lazy and more lazy and more lazy for days, weeks, months and years to come.

Once you start a habit, it’s very hard to get out of it.

Just like signing up to smoke or drink.

You can read more about this secret addiction here if you wish.

Now, this next one might hurt for you, but it is the medicine that you need in order to ditch your laziness for good, so let’s get right to it.

Cut the Video Games

How to Conquer Laziness Fast With 7 Easy Steps

This one is the most disturbing one of them all.

Playing video games all day is the biggest waste of time on this planet.

You have no life and you go into this imaginary world where you feel like you are a champion in life when in reality, you are not.

You are just another time waster looking to escape from reality.

Now, I won’t say that you are a loser because of it since you do have potential and people with potential are not losers.

But there are a lot of ways that you could be spending your time that are a lot better than playing video games all day.

There really are.

If you don’t believe me, read this article here for clarification on that point.

Now, the point with college degrees is not to be taken into consideration since there are ways to get by without one, but the point of those men playing video games is to be taken.

If you play video games often, you are really throwing your life away.

Why would you want to spend it on a virtual reality where you aren’t rewarded?

It makes no sense!

Time is your most precious asset, more so than money.

You are wealthy even though you don’t know it!

When you have all of that time at your disposal, you should be producing something, learning something, meeting new people and/or doing something to improve yourself, not playing video games like a mindless zombie!

And that brings me to my next point:

Do Something

How to Conquer Laziness Fast With 7 Easy Steps

And this could be anything aside from playing and watching electronics all day.

But you gotta get off of your fucking ass and DO SOMETHING!

The world will not pay for time wasters!

They’ll pay for producers!

What would happen if your parents died and now all of sudden, you need to pay for the rent?


You gotta get moving paying the rent or you’ll die!

That means no gaming and no phones at all!

You will have a fire under your ass and your ass will get fucking moving to the gig that will pay the bills.

In this world, it’s survival of the fittest, not survival of the best gamer.

Now, I want you to watch this video right here in its entirety and come back and read the rest of this post.

Now, I don’t think that you are a loser, but you are acting like one if you don’t pay attention.

And I’m not sorry if that hurt your feelings.

After reading this post and considering all of the suggestions that I give you, you gotta start.

There’s no way around it friend.

If you don’t start, you will pay big time.

Please don’t clown around like this guy here.

Clearly, the clown is not Simon.

Let’s get to the list.

Go Outside

How to Conquer Laziness Fast With 7 Easy Steps

This should be your very first step because I heavily doubt that you have ever been outside in the last month because of your video game or phone habit.

That is absurd.

In fact, do this right now.

Throw your smartphone in the trash (don’t even sell it) and/or throw your video game set into the garbage outside and commit to not even seeing them again.


Now, you are going to go for a walk for a minimum of 30 minutes and you will just walk in nature.

Notice how different the scenery is and how different your mind becomes when you go outside for just 5 minutes.

It’s a very different landscape than virtual reality.

Notice the peace, the lack of guns, the quiet, the birds chirping and the scent of fresh air.

You would not want it any other way.

Isn’t that better than the smartphone and/or video games?

Do you get the feeling of “Man, I should do this more often! What was I thinking?”

I bet that you did.

Additionally, there are health benefits to going outside that you probably haven’t heard of, including the great possibility that it could help you live longer and prevent heart disease.

You can read more about that here.

Now, when you clicked that post, did you find yourself reading all the way to the end of the blog post?

If you did, there was a reason for that.

The reason is because I learned a skill that allows me to compel readers to read all the way to the end of the post without stopping.

Chances are you read it if you are an office worker since that was the primary audience, but the way that I set it up got you all the way to the end of it and it convinced you to take action on what I wanted you to take action on.

I’ll tell you what that skill is later on in this post so read on for that information, but right now, I will tell you how I learned that skill.

And it is definitely not scrolling on the smartphone or playing video games all day.

It was doing what you should be doing:

Read a Book

How to Conquer Laziness Fast With 7 Easy Steps

And this is the next step for you.

Now me, I don’t just read 1 book.

I read several books.

That is the difference between me and the rest of my peers.

While they are obsessed with their Instagram stories and their electronics, I am obsessed with acquiring knowledge that will help me get what I want in life.

And you should be doing the same thing.

If I put all of that time into video games, I would not be as smart as I am now.

In fact, I would not even be able to get you to read all the way to the bottom of this blog post right now.

Let me show you something rather interesting.

Did you know that geniuses don’t exist?

That’s right, Elon Musk is NOT a genius.

The difference between Elon and you is that Elon focuses his energy and his attention on acquiring and implementing the knowledge that will help him achieve what he wants in life, not on smartphones or video games.

That’s it.

Likewise with every great genius on this planet.

It is not about being the brightest or being the most talented.

In fact, since most of them don’t have a disability, it’s all about just finding what you want and pursuing it.

You can read more about that phenomenon here.

And do that activity as well while you are at it.

Now for the skill that got you down to this part of the post.

The skill is copywriting.

Copywriting is the art of using the written word to get people to take action on what you want.

It’s the secret behind every successful sales campaign on the planet.

I could argue that this skill is even more valuable than coding because it is the skill (and in-person sales) that closes people on making a transaction to buy something.

If you just had programming, it’d just be a program that might do a great thing, but because someone couldn’t sell it somehow, they can’t monetize it.

But with effective copywriting and effective in person sales, anything can happen.

That is the beauty of it.

If you want to learn this skill starting today, I have two books that I recommend you read.

The first is a book called “Triggers” by Joseph Sugarman which goes into the 30 psychological triggers that convince people to take action on what you want.

The second book is called “Advertising Secrets of the Written Word” by Joseph Sugarman which goes into the process of writing effective copy and how to use what you will learn in “Triggers” to get people to read or hear all of the way down your sales presentation.

When you finish both books, read this post again and the way that I constructed the post will make complete sense to you.

You can get “Triggers” here on Amazon and “Advertising Secrets of the Written Word” here on Amazon. I am an affiliate for Amazon, so I will receive a commission off of your purchase, but that won’t affect the price that you pay.

Don’t miss your chance to get the tools that you need to influence anyone!

Now for one that I’d love to beat you up on if you are doing this:

Cut the Drugs

How to Conquer Laziness Fast With 7 Easy Steps

Ok, if you do this, you need a wake-up call today.

Drugs are the number 1 deterrent to your success on this planet.

If you do them, you are hooked to them for life and it is really hard to get out of it.

If you are an alcoholic or a smoker, then those things are going to haunt you for the rest of your life if you don’t do something about it today.



If you do drugs or continue with them, you will forever curse yourself with a dependence that kills your creativity and your motivation to do anything in life.

That means, you will not be that person going on that yacht with a bunch of pretty women nor be a globetrotting person that gets to do whatever he or she wants.

You’ll be stuck in a trap that you put yourself in.

That’s not good pal.

Drugs are evil.

Not ifs and buts about it.

This is NOT the same as obsession.

This is pure danger.

Cut them up or it’ll cut you up for life.

Your choice, so be wise about it.

You can read this article here if you are not convinced.

And now for one that will REALLY wake you up.

Dress Up

How to Conquer Laziness Fast With 7 Easy Steps

That’s right friend.

Have you ever heard of the phrase dress for success?

Well, it’s true.

When you dress up, you are more focused, more disciplined and most importantly, you will put down those video games.

In fact, when you dress up, you are advertising yourself to your environment what you want to be known for and what you strive to become.

People will always judge by the first look.

There isn’t another way around it.

Why would you want to advertise yourself as a slob?

That’s ludicrous!

No one will ever want to do business with a slob!

In fact, research confirms this.

According to one research study, workers perform better when they dress up.

The reasons?

The researchers determined that formal clothing improves your decision making since you become focused and rational in what you are doing when you dress up as opposed to making decisions with your pajamas.

Do you ever trust a leader who makes decisions with his/her pajamas on?

I figured.

With formal clothing, you block out all of the noise and you focus on what is up:

Your task.

And as a result, you make you and the company more money.

This next finding goes without saying, but dressing up gains you respect.

People do not look up to someone who dresses like someone who just got out of bed.

People would rather take advice from a man who dresses clean. It is what’s called “alpha” like.

You take charge of the room as a result, regardless of your strength (even though that helps boost your authority).

Be like James Bond, not the guy off of the couch.

Finally, formal clothing affected the way participants processed information.

Specifically, their ability to think about the “why” behind thi9ngs instead of just memorizing random facts.

This is what’s known as “conceptual processing.”

If you think about “why” things happen instead of memorizing things, you will do a lot better at work and as a result, you become more valuable in your social arena and you influence more people to follow your lead.

And THAT is how you overcome laziness and depression once and for all.

Look, here’s the deal pal.

You need to decide right now for yourself if you want to just scroll through life like a lazy bum.

We have WAY too many of them on this planet.

I don’t want you to be one of them and I know that you don’t either.

I want you to be the best person possible and rock it in this world of gloomy scumbags who have no place here.

I want you to conquer it and not be another brick in the wall.

Control this world, don’t let it control you or you will tip over the boat in a category 5 hurricane.

If you got a lot out of this post and you want more mind blowing content sent straight to your inbox, definitely subscribe to Join the Island, the greatest blog on the planet, with your email below so that each new blog post is sent straight to your inbox the moment that it’s published!

Go get them pal and get off of those video games!

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

PS: Comment below with what you got out this post. It’d be great to know!

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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