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Why Using Your Smartphone is the Best Way to Throw Your Life Away

Why Using Your Smartphone is the Best Way to Throw Your Life Away


Do you want to know what is the best way to throw your life away?

I think that you already knew my answer from clicking on the link to this article, but I don’t know if you REALLY know it because you might be saying “My smartphone? How is it doing what this guy just said?”

Well, on the surface it is not apparent, but with some onion peeling and some inner realizations, you will definitely see why.

You see, each and every day, you use your smartphone.

You use it in the morning, while going to work (while spilling your coffee), while at work, while at home, and right before you go to sleep.

It’s a way of life. It’s the norm.

But how could such a thing that seems so normal and so common be so life ruining at the same time?

The reason: It consumes your attention. It takes away your attention from everything that life has to offer onto the screen. It beams your eyes with bright lights that confuse your mind like hell and get you to give it more cash like you are going to a Vegas casino.

But how does it confuse you and get you to come back?

Because it makes you feel good. It is satisfying. It is like candy for your eyes and your mind.

And it’s for those reasons that gives its dangerous effect that makes your life so bleak and so wasteful.

And how do you stop it you might ask?

Well, you must realize that the smartphone makes you do all of these things:

You Destroy All of your Creative Soul

Why Using Your Smartphone is the Best Way to Throw Your Life Away​

Let face it. How many people do you see staring at their smartphone every single day?

Countless. It’s just a bunch of goddamn sheep looking at a screen building someone else’s dream.

You wan a know what those people are called?


And I don’t just mean zombies, I mean fucking zombies.

People with no life.

People with no vision.

People who are clueless in what they want in life.

People who are scared to take action towards what they want.

And when people do that, they become those fucking zombies.

Glued to a screen.

They are zombies because they are content with the reality that they have conformed to. They just simply follow the directions of the master that has zero, and I mean, ZERO regard for their future, just sending them down the freaking toilet of doom and mediocrity.

And they have no color in life. They just remain black and white, being clueless and directionless while they are at it.

Let me ask you. Is that you now?

If that is you, today’s your lucky day because I will free you from the drug that is the smartphone.

Let me share with you a little story about someone that you probably heard about.

Steve Jobs was a genius. I will give him that 100%.

He had a vision for people to use his stuff and make it their life.

His marketing brilliance led people to believe that this little thing would solve ALL of their problems.

And did it solve problems? Yes, of course it did, not gonna deny it.

But, did it suck people into slavery?

Yes, it absolutely did.

And my friend, other people seeing everyone else use this thing sucked them into that slavery too.

The prisoner of the iPhone (or smartphone for that matter).

And that, I believe, was part of Steve Jobs’ vision, even though he didn’t explicitly tell everyone that component of it.

Making the people dependent on his gadgets so that they would just keep giving Apple more money and more money and more money and then with the money, buy up the world.

And that’s an empire for you.

Do you wanna know how much Apple is worth today?

$1 trillion dollars. Or a little less as of late, but it got there. The first American company to become worth that much. Look here​ for proof on that.

And do you know what Apple does now?

Use all of this attention to upsell on new products and keep all of the masses attention suckered in.

Click here​ for info on that.

And now there is something even worse than just becoming a fucking mindless zombie.

Do you wanna know what it is?

You can’t think for yourself.

Just think about it for a second, when you like it when someone does something and the decisions that they are making, do you want to deviate from them or follow them?

You’d definitely want to follow them because it is giving you results!

But here’s the thing: People like to be enamored with something called immediate gratification. And what gets that immediate gratification going? An immediate release of dopamine, our feel good neurotransmitter.

And when someone gets that immediate dopamine released, they honestly have the world to them because people can’t resist them.

And that is the essence of self-inflicted slavery.

You definitely don’t want to do that.

Do the opposite of what people do.

And you’ll be their master forever and they’ll be your prisoners forever.

And if you think that this is the only thing that is in store today, wait until you see what I have to show you next and you will become the master.

If you use the smartphone like a fucking zombie,

You Become Dumb and Dumber

Why Using Your Smartphone is the Best Way to Throw Your Life Away​

Yes, being a fucking zombie makes you pretty fucking dumb of course.

But did you know that it goes even further?

Well, it does.

There was one study, which you could access here​, that talked about students comprehending reading material better in printed books than in digital books, citing that when it came down to understanding the specific details of the material, students who read from printed text comprehended a whole lot better than those who just solely read off of the screen.

And to add to this, reading from digital text actually slowed down the frequency in which we write down key thoughts that we got out of the reading and translate the material to our own, unique understanding.

So basically, you cannot get your own thoughts down on the paper!

Yes, you can try, but you will have a harder time doing so and your comprehension will suffer as a result.

So if you can’t understand the world if you read digitally, than why do it? You are really wasting your time and throwing your life away if you do. So go back to the old fashioned way if you are doing the digital thing.

And let’s see, you become a zombie, you become dumb and dumber, what’s next on the list of things that happen when you use your smartphone?

I know, and you might attest to this one,

You Lose A lot of Sleep and Time

Why Using Your Smartphone is the Best Way to Throw Your Life Away​

Do you always get annoyed when you see that bright light from the screen right before you ​go to sleep?

Like you close your eyes and you simply can’t get rid of it?

If so, chances are is that you are not falling asleep because you are glued to the phone.

Let me explain this in more detail.

When you use the smartphone, you reduce the amount of melatonin, our sleep neurotransmitter, that is released into your body when you go to bed.

This is because your mind is super excited by the activity that went on in the phone. So as a result, there is a surplus of dopamine in your brain.

Now, when it comes to the light, we as humans need to sleep in the darkness. However, when the bright light from the phone shines through your eyes, your mind is disturbed from going to sleep.

So as a result, your mind will not go to sleep and you have to constantly get up and get water to go to sleep (I highly recommend clicking here​ if you want to know why drinking water is great prior to going to sleep) and you have to take care of what you need to take care of in order to go to sleep.

So not only are you losing sleep, you are losing time from tomorrow since you have to borrow it to take care of stuff today.

So basically, that is throwing time down the toilet.

Here’s a study​ that proves exactly what I’m saying here. I bet that you’ll find it quite enlightening. Go ahead, click it.

So after reading that study, think about the times that you’ve used your phone like a zombie and what you can do to get rid of it. If you get anything out of this blog post, just commit to this:

Get rid of the smartphone and just get a flip phone.

Seriously, just do it. It’s literally the best thing ever. No explanation required. The opportunity cost of a smartphone is just TOO much.

And if you want an explanation, let this testimonial right here​ be it.

Look, I don’t mean to offend you, but I am just being frank with you in what I am saying.

I only seek to help you, not hurt you. So if you’re offended by this point, go ahead and leave. It makes no difference to me.

And if you’re a parent you’ll not want to leave because the next point will REALLY open your eyes to something.

Here it is.

If You’re a Parent, You’re NOT Really a Parent

Why Using Your Smartphone is the Best Way to Throw Your Life Away​

Yeah, you heard that right.

If you are a parent and you are using your smartphone over your child, that is utterly gross.

Seriously. You’re gross.

In fact, you are so gross that your children, the number 1 things that you adore and cherish in your life, don’t even see you as a part of their lives.

In fact, take a look at this study right here​ and that’ll put the stamp on your fate and will force you to change things. Go ahead, click it. I double dare you not to.

Seriously? Unimportant? Mad, angry, and lonely? What kind of parent are you? You’re not a parent, you are a moron!

And you’re not just a moron, you are a fucking moron and you are a fucking disgrace to the world for making your kids feel like this! You are lucky that you aren’t in jail!

How do you think that your kids are going to grow up to be if you continue this? Disgusting, inhumane bastards like you?

Or the impactful, inspirational kids that you strive for them to be?

And by the way, if you are saying “I just want my kid to have a good job and just get by and pay the bills,” do yourself a favor and get a life. Seriously. That’s an answer for fucking losers and you fucking know it.

And all of this starts with setting an example to your kids of what they should do to be happy, productive, and ultimately, impactful somehow.

And if you start giving them bad habits and making them lonely, you will ultimately regret it.

Just saying.

And just so you know, if you keep your behavior up and you send your kids to compete against my kids, you’re not just gonna lose, you’re gonna get your asses whipped.

Guaranteed friend. Or your entire life savings.

If You’re Still Not Sold, Read This:

Why Using Your Smartphone is the Best Way to Throw Your Life Away​

Honestly, I’ve said as much as I could in this post to convince you to get rid of that smartphone. It’s literally life sucking and it is the drug of our century.

If you are still not convinced by this post, read this​ and let him convince you. I am fully guaranteed that if you are not convinced by me, you WILL be convinced by him.

I dare you to say that you are not convinced after reading that. I dare you.

See you next time.

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

7 thoughts on “Why Using Your Smartphone is the Best Way to Throw Your Life Away”

  1. Now, that is a post I was hoping to see online for a very long time. Kudos to you for jumping on it!
    I so agree with everything you’re saying here. You’re making such a fantastic point.
    People are so caught up into their phones…It has become normal to go to a coffee shop or restaurant and see people not talking to each other but staring at their phones!
    It’s unbelievable.
    Thank you so much for writing this post and keep spreading the word!
    So many people can use the wake-up call.

    1. I’m glad that you see through the message Boby and thanks for your genuine comment. Don’t forget to spread this message yourself and read some of my other mind opening posts like this one here. You’ll be glad that you read it.

  2. I have to admit that agree with on all of these points, I have felt this way about smartphones since I first got one and seeing how much time other people spend on their phones everywhere I go. I never thought of a word to describe it but Zombie does suit the best mate this what all of the Zombie movies are about. I took a break from my smartphone for a months and recently picked it back up and I can see the difference it makes. I have now established limits and rules to using it so I don’t get sucked in like before. This is a great article that I think everyone with a smartphone should read. Thank you for this article and keep informing us…

    1. My pleasure Justin and thank you for your thoughtful comment. And if you wan a know what’s gonna make you the master of the zombies, I suggest that you read this. It’ll be worth your while! And please share this article with those that you know when you can.

  3. Good morning I agree with every single word in this article. Since I swapped my IPhone for dumb Nokia 3310 6 months ago, my productivity rocketed, I quit my job, I wrote a book, revived my blog, made some money and suddenly I have time for everything I always wanted to do. Now I just stare in disbelief at mindless people staring into screens around me all day long everywhere – in the elevator, on the streets, in the restaurants. I feel like I have woken up from some kind of matrix – I am awake and everyone is sleeping. I think smartphone addictions are like nicotine, not so long ago it was acceptable for people to smoke everywhere. Today is it totally acceptable to talk to someone and stare at their phone. I hope zombies will wake up too and we will put all the people on their smartphones into separate cubicles like smokers. Cheers Happy Christmas Andrea

    1. And that comment is the testament to what I am saying. It does more harm than good and if you get rid of it, you will notice a massive transformation of yourself, both personally and professionally. Outstanding comment Andrea and congrats to you for taking MASSIVE action. If you want to drastically increase your productivity and creativity even more, then you should definitely should check out another post that I wrote right here. It’ll for sure be worth your while. What’s your blog by the way, I’d love to read it!

  4. Pingback: 6 Easy Steps on How To Be Disciplined | Join the Island

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