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What Does It Mean To Slack Off In Life? Read On Right Now To Find Out

What Does It Mean To Slack Off In Life? Read On Right Now To Find Out

Do you want to hear a shocking story?

If you are up for that, here it is.

This is a story about how one hockey team went from being the best in the NHL to the worst one in a flash.

The 2018-2019 Tampa Bay Lightning was arguably the best regular season team in NHL history, with 62 wins out of the 82 games played and a total of 128 points for the season, well beyond the 2 teams with the next highest amount of points at 107.

This hockey team would punish opponents the entire regular season with brutal beat downs that were unforgiving and wreaked havoc in front offices across the league.

Everybody was scared of this team and thought “That’s it, the season is over. The Lightning are already Stanley Cup Champions.”

Now here comes the good part.

They get their home ice advantage throughout the playoffs and then this happened here:

What Does It Mean To Slack Off In Life? Read On Right Now To Find Out

They got swept in the 1st round of the playoffs.

How amazing is that?

It’s like the 1992 Bulls that finished 72-10 got swept in the 1st round.

But read that last sentence there again.

What happens when you take your foot off of the gas?

You slack off.

And what happens when you slack off?

You fail abysmally like the Lightning.

Do you want to share the same fate as the Lightning?

I thought so.

If you are slacking off right now read on to find out what it means for you and how to prevent yourself from slacking off again.

It Means You Need To Tremendously Improve Yourself

What Does It Mean To Slack Off In Life? Read On Right Now To Find Out

Let’s face it.

If you are slacking off like one of those guys who falls asleep in class, then you are not performing to your full potential and you need to do something today to fix it.

You’ve probably heard this a million times already, but the fact that this is the millionth time that you’ve heard this means that you need to be told it again, but this time, in a way that will make you do it.

Did you know that if you slack off, you are losing money as you speak?

In a way that causes a big fat mess to occur even though you don’t realize it?

If you don’t know, read this article here and find out for yourself.

Are you convinced now?

I’m sure that you are.

Slacking off has an opportunity cost that will ring you in the big ol’ rear later on in life when you least expect it.

I want you to picture this for a second: Do you know Patrick Star from SpongeBob SquarePants?

He was the laziest bum on the show and perhaps the dumbest.

He would be under his rock all day and he would do the stupidest stuff that one can’t even imagine.

As a result, he got nowhere in life except for being SpongeBob’s friend.

You can see some of his stupidity here if you wish.

All Patrick had to do to improve himself was to get out of his rut of slacking off and just do something productive.

That’s it.

But instead, he gets to sleep under a rock and goof off all day.

Do you want to do that in real life?

Do you know someone who does something similar in real life?

I know you do.

You know who they are?

The people who go to the bar after work every day and/or those who go to the bar after every weekend to cry about their work weeks over a bunch of drinks.

And then what happens?

They sleep in and they sleep in and they sleep in with no hope in sight for the future except “I gotta go back to work on Monday; what do I do? Binge watch Netflix all night every night for the rest of my life in order to alleviate the pain?”

Don’t be Patrick, be SpongeBob and say “IIIIIIIIIIII’M READY” all day every day with a positive attitude!

Start with an attitude switch and then do this:

You Need To Do Something Exciting

What Does It Mean To Slack Off In Life? Read On Right Now To Find Out

When you are last and slack off, you get into this boring repetitive routine that doesn’t give you results and makes you dread every single day of your life.

Do you get that feeling when you slack off? Comment below with your responses.

A feeling that gets you demotivated and doesn’t make you look forward to anything else during the day?

If you get that feeling, here’s what you need to do:

Just go outside for a few minutes and not have a worry in the world.

That’s right.

Chances are, your brain needs to get out of the house or out of the office for an extended period of time and just breathe in some fresh air.

Let me explain something extremely profound.

When you are inside all day, your brain goes really crazy from being in a confined space all of the time.

In order for it to function well, it needs to get outside in the open air to get fresh air so it can release all of the negative energy and think clearly with no clutter at all.

As a result, it is extremely essential for you to step outside for at least 30 minutes and just walk in a peaceful area in your city surrounded by nothing but nature.

Your body and mind will thank you for it.

You can read this article here for more information including how it can prevent heart disease.

Now after you walk outside, it is time to get your mind on track with something. That something should be a good book because good books are proven to stimulate your mind and reignite your curiosity again.

In fact, reading books is the secret between you being lazy all day and you becoming the innovative genius inside you.

If you don’t believe me, you can read this article here for more information and it will quickly convince you of that reality.

I’m sure that you are now excited to read books because they turned one man into a genius after he was a dumbass during his early adult life.

Anything is really possible if you just seek out the information that you need with a tenacious spirit and unwavering commitment.

You just have to realize that and do it.

Now, when you truly understand this reality, you need to do one more step to stop slacking off in life and that is this:

Find What It Is You Want In Life

What Does It Mean To Slack Off In Life? Read On Right Now To Find Out

Yep, this one step is what you need.


Because you need something to shoot for.

And that something to shoot for must be deeply engrained in you that nothing will convince you not to do it.

This is your driving force in life and it is something that gets you out of bed in the morning instead of hitting the snooze button.

If you don’t have this one thing driving you every day, you will not get anything done and you’ll just be another brick in the wall.

Do you really want to be another brick in the wall?

Of course not. You want to be the light because nobody does business with just another brick.

They do business with the light because the light is who gets things done.

And that light has direction. A purpose. Something worth living for.

I highly suggest that you read this guide that I wrote right here about how to find this driving force in your life that is guaranteed to get you up and going every single day without slowing down and crushing the days ahead.

Chances are that if you are slacking off in anything that you are doing, you just need to find yourself more. When you find what ticks, your inner child will be born again and you will have that irresistible curiosity churning its wheels instantly.

If you are not convinced by this phenomenon, I want you to read this article about the traits of successful people and see what they have in common and you will find that they have their own definition of success based on something that they really want in life and they take action towards those steps. You can access that article here.

I am pretty sure that by now, you realize the importance of finding your own light in life and working towards that life in whatever way possible.

It is your destiny as a wise dark lord said in a galaxy far far away.

If you are a man or a boy reading this article, pay close attention to this next point because it is the key to making everything in this post work for you.

A Secret Trick For Guys and Men Alike

What Does It Mean To Slack Off In Life? Read On Right Now To Find Out

The trick is to not masturbate.

Let me explain why you shouldn’t masturbate.

In case you weren’t aware, the energy that drives you to take action is your sexual energy.

In other words, the semen in your testicles that gives life to your offspring.

We men do things for one reason and one reason only.

Do you know what it is?

That’s right.

Because we do things for sex and to satisfy a woman’s need for security to receive the sex, biologically, our sexual organs become motivated to produce great works of art that wow people around us.

This gives us recognition and with that recognition, women perceive us as someone who can deliver the goods and bring home the bacon to give her and her offspring that security, so hence they trust us to get the job done and we get rewarded.

Now if you masturbate, you don’t have that same motivation to get women and receive sex because your sexual organs are not excited, so it has nothing to work for and you remain static.

Hence, you don’t produce.

That’s why it is so critical for you to not fall for that trap because if you do, you are missing out on so much in terms of your creativity, confidence and your motivation to achieve your goals.

You can read more in depth as to why you shouldn’t masturbate here and here. It’s hard to break the habit. I know. It feels good when you do it. However, you gotta suck it up friend and quit it.

Like they say, no pain no gain.

My suggestion on not to quit is to listen to something that focuses on what you want to achieve in life because your attention will draw to that instead of women and you will notice that your sexual energy will be channeled onto your goal.

As a result, your body will have less of a tendency to want to masturbate.

This worked for me. I listened to something (I won’t say what it is) that forced my mind to focus on what I wanted to achieve and as a result, I broke out of the habit.

My confidence has gone up and my voice got deeper and I feel extremely powerful as a result.

I have more of a tendency to do and achieve more things.

So implement a no fap rule starting today to stop slacking off.

And that’s really all that you need to do to stop slacking off at work, school and in life.

Do something, know what you want and don’t masturbate.

That’s it.

If you got a lot out of this post and you want some more actionable content sent straight to your inbox, definitely subscribe to Join the Island, the world’s greatest blog, right below with your email so you can receive new blog posts in your inbox the moment that they are published.

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

PS: Comment below if you get the repetitive routine when you slack off. It’d be great to see what you are going through now and how I can help you.

Evan Cruz
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Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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