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A Dynamic Person

A Dynamic Person: Why You Must Become One to Successfully Deal with Yourself and People

A Dynamic Person.

Who is that?

What does he or she do?

How is learning from that person useful for me?

Well, if you are asking those questions, you are thinking correctly.

And you must have those answers in order to get ahead.

Before we dive deep into what a dynamic person is, it’s important for you to know what a static person is.

What’s a Static Person?

A Dynamic Person

A Static Person is someone who maintains the status quo and does not induce change on others.

Some might argue that that person is ok to be.

And to that they are correct.

Sometimes, things are just not meant for change.

However, being static is not fun.

And it’s not sexy.

And it’s not effective.

And most of all, it’s not great.

And that might be you at the moment.

Someone who wants change but just doesn’t know how to make it happen.

You want to mix it up.

And that’s where being dynamic comes in.

What’s a Dynamic Person?

A Dynamic Person

A dynamic person is one who adapts to the situation and creates it accordingly.

He or she has the power to mix it up when need be.

Or keep it the way it is if need be.

But regardless, the dynamic person has the power to take any situation and shape it in the way that he or she desires.

The dynamic person does not let anyone makes the decisions for him or her.

He or she is independent of what others think.  (Click on the link to clearly understand what I mean by independent thinking to the point where you are literally an unstoppable godly force).

The dynamic person makes the decisions.


Your next question might be:

“Well that sounds great and all, but how do I actually become dynamic?”

Well, it starts with this:

Belief and Not Just a Belief

A Dynamic Person

A belief in one self.

A firm and unquestionable belief that your skills and your abilities will be extremely effective in taking any situation and elevating it to your desired solution.

That’s the most important step in being dynamic.

I’ll give you an example.


I’m dynamic.


Because I don’t care about what doubters think about me starting Join the Island to help people.

I wanted and desired to take action in helping people and I’m doing it.

I don’t care if they criticize me.

I’m a proud man regardless.

Additionally, I believe in my abilities to articulate my knowledge about productivity and self-actualization and actually use it to help you.

My future islander.

While at the same time, giving you the most superior customer service on the planet while giving a smile on your face when you leave Join the Island to take action and also to come out of Join the Island and say:


And to say it loud and proud!

The next thing to do is to look at the situation and say “Ok, how can I make this better given my abilities? What pieces are at my disposal so that I can leverage them to get what I want?”

Provided that you’ve taken stock in what your abilities are, your course of action will depend on what the situation is.

Obviously, if you need some other skill and ability, go get it and stick with the first step all of the way.

But if you already have the skills and abilities that you need, you gotta play your cards correctly.

Because as a dynamic person, YOU are making the decisions now.

A Dynamic Person

And let me reemphasize this:

You MUST have leverage in EVERY situation that you are in.


Because with leverage, you have bargaining power as to how a negotiation goes.

And a negotiation can be any situation really, not just a business deal.

Let’s say that you are a father who wants his kids to do their chores every day of the week and to clean up after themselves.

Understanding that number 1 you have belief in your skills and abilities to make them do their chores and that you are a dynamic person.

Let’s say that your kids keep playing with the toys that you bought them and keep resisting the obligation to do their chores.

You have leverage in that you can identify that they want to play with toys and that they will do anything to get more of them.

Also, using the fact that you have money at your disposal, you can articulate to your children that they can get more toys if they earn more and they can earn more if they do your chores.

So you will say this, without arousing any resentment: “Hey guys, how are you all doing today? I wanna talk to you all for a second! How would you guys like MORE TOYS?!”

They’ll say “ME ME ME ME ME!”

You will then say this: “Remember when I tried to order you all to do the chores? I’m so sorry for forcing you to do that! I’ll tell you what, if you do the dishes and the rest of these chores, I will pay you an allowance so that you could buy up more of the toys that you want!”

Now that sounds interesting to the kids eh?

And use this to sweeten it:

“If you do all of the chores every day, you get to play for one whole day without chores!”

Objection will come and they’ll say: “But I thought that you bought the toys daddy?”

You’ll say: “Yes I know and I understand that this is new. However, if you do the chores for so many hours, I will pay you more than I would ever pay for the toys in the past. In other words, you control what you earn and hence the amount of toys that you wish to buy.”

“So we can buy our own toys if we work?”

“And there’s no limit?”

You: “That’s right!”

Kids: “Let’s work!”

Talk about empowering the kids!

A Dynamic Person

Now let’s say that you are a teacher and you are trying to teach your students math, which we all know by now that if you are going to the job market, you better know it pretty darn well.

The students are extremely defiant and all they want to do in class is be on their phones and just taking selfies and posting them on Instagram.

They see no point in learning math.

So you, the teacher, would ask yourself as a dynamic person “How can I get these kids what they want while also tying into my want of teaching math?”

You might observe chatter or you might send another teacher to take a poll of the class, but you find out that the kids want 2 things, and they are:

1. Someone who understands them and would work with them

2. They want jobs (or go to college if we are talking about secondary school)

3. They want to know the significance of math in solving their everyday problems

Now, you find out why they aren’t listening to you, and that is because apparently,

“They see no point in listening and the teacher is mean and criticizing.”

Well, those are your problems my future islander!

What is the solution you are asking yourself?

The solution involves some showing and more showing!

The reason:

Students need the validation.

The data.

The moment where they will say “Oh my god, if we don’t learn this we’ll die! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!”

A Dynamic Person

As the dynamic person, you will show them before you even teach another lesson that

1. Learning math leads to a guaranteed (or high probability at the minimum) of getting high paying jobs and that those jobs associated with math have higher pay than those that don’t involve math

2. You genuinely tell them that you understand their frustration and will demonstrate with dedication that you will do whatever it takes to help them understand math so that they can land their dream jobs and/or go to college.

3. Show them data about bad habits like playing on the phone during class and how continuing those habits will lead to poor circumstances that won’t satisfy their needs in the long run like no high paying jobs, no potential to generate wealth, not getting into college (or having to take on debt to do it), and lower self-esteem as a result of not learning math and statistics to back it up.

4. Video and written testimonials from those that did those bad habits and that it didn’t turn out well for them.

5. Stats of earnings between People who learn math vs. Those who don’t learn math and their average wealth per person and the amount of power and influence that they have in the world

6. Ask what their everyday problems at home are as a result of not learning math and take their problem in class and use a mathematical concept to solve that problem and ask the student to solve similar problems using those concepts. That way, they’ll be motivated to learn and that they’ll see the significance in the learning.

Hence, you get them to listen and do.

Now let’s say that you are the executive of a company in need of a whole lotta sales.

Your team is demotivated and lazy.


Because there is something that you aren’t doing correctly.

What is it?

Well, many things actually.

1. The team complains that they do not have any influence over any of the decisions that are being made.

2. They don’t feel that any of the ideas are theirs.

3. The most important one: They feel that you are not living up to what you are saying.

Those are all red flags that MUST be taken care of.

But now, YOU are the dynamic person here.

So the first question that you must ask is “What does your team want?”

Well, your team clearly wants power since they specify that they do not have any influence over any of the decisions being made.

And, they want you to lead by example.

They want to be under the command of someone who follows through on what he says and does so with results.

Now, you must also take inventory on what you want since you can tie your want and their wants together.

You want to increase the company’s sales in tremendous fashion and develop a sense of power amongst your constituents.

So now you have the pieces to the puzzle and it is time to put them together.

The first question that you should ask yourself is “What is the best way for me to let them make a decision?”

And for that question, it’s to let them make choices as to

1. Let them choose what they should expect out of you

2. Let them choose the qualities that you should expect out of them

And with these points, they have the power to make certain personnel decisions.

Now for you to establish your power, you must follow through on everything that you say.

Not one thing can go undone or it’s game over.

But if you follow through with everything that you say, they will have an internal obligation to follow through on what they said and they will feel empowered with you and they will cooperate with you every step of the way.

Hence, you become the alpha in the company.

A Dynamic Person

And if there’s one thing that you took away from this blog post, let it be this: Being static sucks, but being dynamic is sexy.

So comment below and say what will you do to be dynamic. What will you change within you to become dynamic and rule the world like a god? And don’t forget what Nike said:

Just do it.

And another one that I’ll add:

Achieve it and achieve it like a monster!

Ready, set, go!

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

21 thoughts on “A Dynamic Person: Why You Must Become One to Successfully Deal with Yourself and People”

  1. My mom always told me that I’ve never followed the crowd. I always did my own thing and never cared about what others thought. Even to this day, I’m still the same way. Status quo is boring and it will definitely not help you achieve the life you want (at least for me it won’t). Nothing wrong with going down your own path

    1. Thank you William for your comment; it couldn’t be more true. Definitely implement this post as much as you can and report back on the results. Stay tuned and subscribe for more trail blazing content!

  2. Hey once again Evan, this was such a wonderful blog to read through. It is always good to make the best out of every situation that you are in. I have a desire of supporting others, and wanting them to do good. By me helping them become a better person, that makes me proud of being a dynamic person. Keep them good articles coming buddy!!!

    1. I’m glad that you got it Ahmad! Keep on being dynamic and report back on more results that you get out of it and don’t forget to come back for more (and subscribe)!

    1. Well Adam, it’s more than just believing in yourself, but that is the very first step. Without it, nothing else works out. Thanks for your comment and please do implement this post somehow and report back on the results that you get out of it. And if you are interested, please do subscribe for more trail blazing content!

  3. Hello Evan, great article! All of this is so true! You have to think outside of the box, get out of your comfort zone! Don’t follow the crowd, create your reality! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I’m glad that you got some inspiration today Andrea! Go out and implement them and report back how they have impacted your life somehow and the results!

  4. Hi Evan, and great blog!!! I’ve always been a dynamic person. I think probably from birth, lol.
    I have to admit though, as we hit our senior years, a bit of static is creeping in, lol. But that’s ok. Life is great!

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