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How to Redirect Sexual Energy to Become a God

How to Redirect Sexual Energy to Become a God

So you want to know the secret to focusing on what you desire? The secret to achieving what you must achieve? And the answer to “How the hell are they doing that?” Well, here is the answer in a nutshell:

They redirect energy onto what they want. Specifically, sexual energy. So now you come across a guide that says “How to Redirect Sexual Energy to Become a God. That seems weird, and something that I just elaborate with my girlfriend (or boyfriend if you’re a woman). And a god? Oh please, you are out of your mind!”

Very inappropriate eh? Well, I argue against that and the science backs this up.

Sexual Energy and Success Science

How to Redirect Sexual Energy to Become a God

According to a study from Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus of Maze Women’s Sexual Health, there is an extremely direct relationship between success and sexual energy in both men and women. The reason for this is because of the high amounts of testosterone found across studies of successful business owners and entrepreneurs, which by the way, you are both of these even though you don’t realize it yet (Clark).

And because of those high levels of testosterone, that increases sexual drive and resulted in this quote from Dr. Marcus: “It’s not at all surprising to me that all the studies seem to suggest that people who are very successful in business also have very high sex drives” (Clark). That pretty much says it huh?!

Your New Crush

How to Redirect Sexual Energy to Become a God

And now the true key to unmasking this sex drive is to redirect it to what you want and desire. In other words, make it your LOVE! Replace the men or the women and become so emotionally attached to that desire and now that desire is kind of like your new crush and that you’ll do anything to get it. Hence, your new obsession.

Now, how do you actually replace the men and the women with this new crush? Well, the simple answer is:
You have to want it. And not just want it, but want it to the point where you need it or you will pass out.In other words, your personal oxygen.

And the way to find out what that want is to indulge in it. As much as you can via real world experience, practice, and good old curiosity.

How to Find your New Crush

How to Redirect Sexual Energy to Become a God

Now if you’re asking “I’m broke and I gotta work.”If you’re broke, you must do what you need to do in order to survive FIRST before doing any of the things that I will mention here. This requires some money for experimentation, and the amount of money will be dependent on where you live.

But I can safely say that if you’re account says $0.00, you are definitely not ready for this and come back until you are stable to the point where you have money to live, eat, and to pay all of the necessary expenses associated with living. So, go earn!

And another ground rule here,NEVER GO INTO DEBT FOR ANY OF THIS! I’ve said once and I’ll say it again,
Debt is SLAVERY! Your life belongs to the lender. So don’t do it. I triple dare you.

Now, if you’re are past the broke stage and you won’t go into debt to do this, here is what you could do to find that new crush. Purchase a course from a master in the field that you are interested in and learn what you need to learn.
You could experiment and see what you like and don’t like.

The LOVE Columns

How to Redirect Sexual Energy to Become a God

So, this is an activity called the LOVE columns where we will find out what you truly love and is your purpose on this planet.
1. Grab a sheet of paper and a pen or pencil.
2. Write on the sheet of paper 2 columns, with the columns being:
A) The LIKE column
B) The HATE column

In the LIKE column, you will list every activity that of the top of your head, you like doing, even those things that you REALLY like doing. In the HATE column, you are going to write everything that you absolutely hate and don’t like doing. Once you finish the HATE column, check your work and see if there are answers that should be placed elsewhere, either cause of a typo or you forgot to put something on the columns or any other mistake that would not give you the accurate answers.

Once you check your work and verify that your answers are final, toss out the HATE column. That is now of the past.

3. Grab another sheet of paper and write:
A) The LOVE Column
B) The DON’T LOVE Column

Using only the LIKE Column from Step 2, you will now write down what you LOVE and what you DON’T LOVE to do. Here, you should get really close to finding what captivates your mind 24/7 and that “I gotta have it now” response. Once you finish with the LOVE Column, you will once again check your work for mistakes and you will toss out the DON’T LOVE Column for good. That is of the past.

Now, here comes the grand finale!
4. Grab ANOTHER sheet of paper and write:

Using only the LOVE Column from Step 3, you will now write down what you REALLY LOVE and what you DON’T REALLY LOVE. Here, for REALLY LOVE, you should get 1 answer only. If you don’t, repeat the entire step 4 and add onto the REALLY with another REALLY and keep doing it until you get to 1 answer.

Once you get to 1 answer, TADA! THAT’S YOUR NEW CRUSH!

And your sexual energy at this point should be redirected to that new crush and you will start craving it for life.And now, it’s time to become great at it. The best. After you fulfill market demands in the real world, your crush should be what you are developing.

It All Starts With YOU

How to Redirect Sexual Energy to Become a God

Don’t be another statistic. Create the statistics. And anybody can do all of the hypothesis testing that they want and speculate using biased charts, graphs, and confidence intervals, not to say that all statistics are useless, but at the end of the day, the only real statistic that exist is this:

It either happens or it doesn’t. In other words, it’s 100% going to happen or it’s 0% going to happen. That’s just life.

And you know, if you take control of the process and you don’t quit, I can fully assure you that unless a legal or medical issue pops up, it’s 100% going to happen for you. With whatever you decide to do.You just have to put your mind to it and block everything else out. Really, that’s all there is to it.

Also, buy this book right here on Amazon to learn the powers of success. It will be worth a read for you. Every successful person on this planet cherishes this book to the highest order. Please note: I am an affiliate for this book and I will receive a commission on your purchase, but the price that you pay won’t change.

I hope that this post serves you well.

Until next time,

This is Chief Islander Evan signing off.

Clark, Kelsey. “Successful People Have More Sex, According to Science.” MYDOMAINE,
26 September 2016. Web. 14 May 2018.

Evan Cruz
+ posts

Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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