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"7 Amazing Reasons Why Living Alone Is Awesome"

“7 Amazing Reasons Why Living Alone Is Awesome”

Do you want why living alone is your best bet in life right now?

Read on to know 7 incredible benefits of living alone that will make you do whatever you need to do to get to that point.

Now there are disadvantages to living alone for the first time. This post will focus on the advantages (and boy are there many)!

So let’s get into it!

1. You Don’t Have People Bothering You

"7 Amazing Reasons Why Living Alone Is Awesome"

Let me tell you a story that you might sympathize with very quickly.

Imagine that you are living in your parents’ home and they are constantly telling you what to do, forcing you to give them your beloved secrets and feeling that they have the right to intrude on you when you have a schedule to follow.

Has that ever happened to you? How did it feel to you?

Now imagine this:

Imagine that you were living with a terrible partner or roommate(s) and they were making super loud noises and they started arguments for no reason whatsoever only to blame you for everything and they left everything dirty on the table and refused to clean it up.

Does that sound like someone you want to be with and will that make you feel robbed of your time for putting up with their BS?

Of course, there are good partners to be with, but in reality, people always have their own agendas and you must understand that they can do anything against your interests at any time.

Even if the person seems like a Golden Ticket, it’s still a risk to live with them, especially if you are not the primary earner in the household.

That’s why it’s better to live by yourself first before bringing other people.

This way, you have control over your own circumstances instead of being a victim of chance and having to go against your own agenda just to get living expenses.

You always want to know how to do things for yourself and protect the downside of something bad happening.

In reality, when you bring people in, you are negotiating with them.

You give of something of value to them while they give something of value to you.

Here’s where the problem of living with people comes in:

If the only thing of value you provide is to do what they say, they will trick you into paying for your living expenses realizing that since the living expenses are your only ways to survive, you will need to do what they say and tolerate their behavior or you will not get your funds.

This is a dangerous scenario to be in and you will not get accountability from them in order to maintain a successful relationship.

Do you understand what I’m saying?

You do not want to enter relationships where you don’t have control over the deal. You MUST negotiate with strength all of the time.

And this lends me to my next point:

2. You Control Your Own Fate In Life

"7 Amazing Reasons Why Living Alone Is Awesome"

I want you to watch this clip from Scarface where Tony Montana explains to the guy the process of getting women. This is extremely relevant to this discussion and I’ll tie it into this post right afterwards. Have a watch below.

So, here’s the thing:

Money is everything in life.

Read that sentence again so you ingrain it in your mind.

Without money, you can’t do anything.


Because people do not see the value in helping you. They have thousands and millions of people that are willing to pay them X amount of dollars to solve their problems, hence, they are providing more value for the time investment they are giving to those people.

Do you see why you shouldn’t work for free if you don’t need to?

So if you can’t pay anything with money, what do you need to do?

Whatever it takes to get money.

And if you don’t have anything of value to give in order to receive money, what must you do?

That’s right. Live with your parents or take out loans or (fill in the blank).

That’s why without money, you don’t have the next thing, power.

Power comes from being able to control your own destiny.

In other words, where you go in life and who you spend it with.

That’s the true power of living alone when you can afford it.

Now, please don’t make this mistake, when he says power, he doesn’t necessarily mean go become the richest man on Earth and become a headline in the tabloids as a result.

This could actually reduce your power if you do it wrong because your business can become dependent on the media’s perception of you and hence, your clients and customers will feel the same way.

This is NOT controlling your destiny.

Now once you are able to control your destiny, you can bring in other people because you’ve protected your downside in case something goes wrong.

You have your emergency fund, you know your expenses, you live below your means, you can provide for yourself in consistent ways, you know your income and you know how much time you have on the planet.

Since you know those things, you can walk away from the person if they are no good for you.

Additionally, you don’t have to tell the anything you don’t want to tell them.

They would need to sell you instead of you having to sell them in that case.

This is why women go for a man who has this control because they crave security for their offspring (and themselves).

Understand the dynamic?

And if you are a woman reading this, this is why guys never want a woman who doesn’t have her shit together and who complains and bitches all of the time.

If you become needy, you lose all of your power and the game is over.


Don’t be something of excess supply; be something of high demand and the world is your oyster.

Now here’s another thing that comes with living alone.

3. You Can Be You

"7 Amazing Reasons Why Living Alone Is Awesome"

Let me say it again:

Money is E-VER-Y-THING in life.

And with money comes control.

What does this mean?

He who has the money (specifically consistent cash flow and wise money management) makes of the rules.

That’s why the customer is king.

When you live with your parents, they are your customers.

In this case, it’s a business relationship.

They are paying for a product to do something of value for them in exchange for living expenses.

If you don’t deliver that thing of value, you are out on the streets.

Therefore, you are forced to confine your behavior to their pigeon hole.

Of course, you must do this with clients and employers in order to get a paycheck, but with your parents?

That’s taking it too far, right?

If you are yourself in this case, you cannot get what you need.

So in order to get yourself out of this position, you must be able to, at the minimum, pay rent for a place where you can stay.

Of course, it’s preferable for you to own the property, but that’s a discussion for another day.

If you can pay rent, you can do things you want to do.

You can travel, you can see hot girls (or hot guys if you are a woman), you can build up a savings for whatever it is you desire, etc.

When you can pay your rent, you control your own destiny (like I said, for the most part).

Do you know the phrase “freedom isn’t free?”

Well, if you don’t, own the fact that this phrase is true because it is.

The ability to do what you want depends on the amount of value you give to others.

Then, when you have the money, you can do what you want.


Now here’s another exclusive luxury that comes with living by yourself:

4. You Don’t Have to Pick Up Other People’s Messes

"7 Amazing Reasons Why Living Alone Is Awesome"

Do you remember the last time when your roommate or your parents made a mess of some sorts and they wanted you to pick up the mess?

Wasn’t that annoying?

What if I told you that you can get rid of this hassle?

The only way to do it:

You have to move out.

If you don’t move out, you’ll be forced to trade time that could be spent on other pursuits that are more beneficial for your future.

This is not a situation that you want to be in!

Look, I think you can agree that anyone who makes their own mess should pick up their own mess, right?

After all, it’s only fair!

Not when you have someone paying bills for you.

With them, you have to pick up their mess without getting a paycheck for it.

If you are a rational person, you’ll say that this is a bad deal.

You are right. It is.

This is the trick to trade your time for them. You have to do everything you can to avoid this.

Now, if you made a mess, you pick it up.

But if someone made a mess and they don’t pick it up AND they are not paying you for the chore, that’s a problem.


Because of the law of reciprocation, which says that if you receive something of equal value, you must give something of equal value back in return so that the deal is fair.

When someone makes a mess in your home, they are receiving a luxury of doing something pleasurable.

Why is it pleasurable? Because making a mess is easy! People make messes every day!

But it’s the cleaning up part that they don’t do, which is the part of giving value back in return for making the mess.

And when they make YOU do it just because they are paying your living expenses, believe me when I say that you’ll get really angry and rightfully so.

You should be paid for cleaning up their mess since it’s THEIR mess (even if they are paying for living expenses).

When you live alone, you can tell people that if they make a mess, they must clean it up or there are punishments for it.

It’s only fair.

And that’s the thing. You want fairness and everything you can to assure it.

If nothing is fair, there is no accountability.


If you can, make it so that the only person you are accountable to is you and whoever you are working for.

That way, you can, say it out loud with me,


That’s the point you must get to in life in order to truly be happy.

Being on someone else’s agenda will only get you so far.

And that is the truth.

So however you can, move out as soon as possible.

You will thank yourself when you pay all of your bills on time with your own effort.

Now when you move out, you will learn about the most important thing in the world and that important thing is this:

5. You Learn About You

"7 Amazing Reasons Why Living Alone Is Awesome"

That’s right. You are the most important thing you will ever learn about.

When you live alone, you learn what you are capable of and you become the most disciplined version of yourself.

Every chore that must be completed is on you and you learn how to manage your time effectively as a result.


Because you are forced to manage your time effectively or you will not be able to do the things you need to do in order to get the things you need done.

Let’s face it. A dirty sink looks absolutely awful.

Do you want to see it there all day and let your dishes become contaminated with bacteria and unwanted odors just because you didn’t take at most 15 minutes to clean them up?

Imagine this though:

15 minutes that can be used to clean these dishes were used to watch Netflix.

Does that raise an eyebrow?

With this, one of the things that you’ll learn from living by yourself is you understand what you are capable of.

If you spend 15 minutes watching Netflix (a low value activity), you can spend 15 minutes washing dishes.

I promise you that.

Therefore, you can redirect your habits accordingly and reach your goals faster.

This is the first step to providing for yourself in ways beyond just earning a living.

When you understand that you must redirect your energy in order to achieve what you want, you will realize your true capabilities and go after what you want with a lot more vengeance and determination.

Now for the good part.

When you live alone, you can explore your own tastes and interests without being interrupted by others and receiving any criticism.

You can pursue a separate interest with very few strings attached (your landlord’s rules and the law are the strings attached).

Do you want to paint in your apartment without your partner complaining about it?

You can do that when you live alone.

Do you want to bring a dog in to have fun with?

You can do that.

Do you want to watch basketball with your friends and not have a nasty girlfriend argue with you about it?

You can do that.

Living alone can provide you a great deal of freedom in this regard.

The reason:

You don’t have shareholders (aka: people you live with) breathing down your neck.

When you have these shareholders paying for everything, you have to cater to them.

That means, you are going to be less happy in the long run.

You don’t want this.

You don’t want people dictating how your life should go.

You want to eventually live your life how you define it.

And you have to pay for that luxury.

So that should be another reason to start looking for a place for yourself.

And another luxury of living by yourself?

6. You Have Time To Make New Friends

"7 Amazing Reasons Why Living Alone Is Awesome"

Living with others means you must trade your time to be with them.

Do you know what that means?

This means you have to give up growing your network.

They all say that your network is your net worth.

Do you want to limit your net worth?

And also, friends are proven to increase your level of satisfaction because when you hang out with new people, you hear more stories and you experience new things.

We human beings crave different experiences.

We don’t like the same stories over and over again and eventually, things get boring.

That’s why you leave a job, that’s why you move out of your mom’s house, that’s why you travel to different places, etc.

In short, the ability to meet new friends makes you flexible in your approach.

Do you understand?

And living alone can facilitate this for you IMMENSELY.

Let me prove it to you with research.

In a 2016 study on single people and married people titled “Social Isolation, Loneliness, and Living Alone: Identifying the Risks for Public Health,” the study concluded that people who are single spend more time with friends and participate in the community more than those who are in marriages, good and bad.

The study also concluded that as a result of being married, you can become exposed to social isolation, which can lead to emotional instability.

Of course, the social isolation is mainly for bad marriages, but remember that at least 41% of marriages fail, so it’s a gamble if you do it.

This is significant evidence that living alone is not only beneficial for your quality of life, but your health as well.

Keep that in mind, especially if you have bad partners or bad roommates you are living with.

Of course, this does not discount the benefits of living with someone who you have a GREAT relationship with; that can be healthy for you and save you money.

But to do it correctly and to have your power, you have to live alone first.

Know what you can do before you bring someone else on board your ship.

And this brings me to my last point, which is:

7. You Become Self-Sufficient

"7 Amazing Reasons Why Living Alone Is Awesome"

And that’s the name of the game in life.

Self-sufficiency is the position where you can control your own world since you have the skills, knowledge and experience to navigate the world with your own inner compass.

And that alone is priceless. It’s the most treasured asset you can ever have.

Self-sufficiency is true power at its finest.

You’ll become confident that you can solve anything and because you can solve anything, you can be truly happy.

And not only so that you can be happy, but others can be happy as well.

When you are self-sufficient, you can help out others while not breaking your bank and in turn, according to multiple studies, become even happier as a result.

A self-sufficient life leads to a happier life. So get on the road to it today.

If you got a lot out of this post and you want more content that’ll skyrocket your productivity and achieve your full potential so you can take over your own world on your own terms, subscribe to Join the Island, the world’s greatest blog, below with your email!

Until next time,

This is Evan signing off.

PS: Comment below with what you got out of the post. It’d be great to see how you will create a self-sufficient life as a result!

Evan Cruz
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Evan Cruz is the founder of Join the Island, the website committed to helping young adults become massively productive and reach their full potential.

He has been featured on Vox, OnlineU, and UpJourney. He has also a cited human relations expert and college expert.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering.

Read more about Evan and Join the Island here.

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